
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my Blog. I'm new to this so please bear with me. I have always been overweight and unhappy about myself for as long as I remember.

I have tried to lose weight so many times I've lost count. Then one day everything clicked and I realised that I didn't need to put a time limit and being a perfect weight and being perfect. If I worked at it a little bit everyday it would all come together. So I joined Weight Watchers for the third time and without putting pressure on myself and feeling like a failure decided I would just try baby steps everyday.

This decision led to a new way of thinking and a new me........

Monday, May 9, 2011

Does this all feel a bit familiar!?

Well its been a very long time since I've been on here and updated.

There are not too many reasons for this bar by own laziness and not being very good at the whole weight loss thing of late. You'd think after three years I'd have the knack of it but it just seems to get harder as time goes by. I really think I need to just forgot I've ever lost a pound and look at it as a new journey, but that is so much easier said than done.

Even though I have been struggling I have still gone to every meeting and I spose that is something out of all the bad.

So heres my video update and I am ready to face the music at weigh in tomorrow once more!


  1. I'd recommend starting something fun and quick. I've started trying to do this work-out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir0jp-MU42o

    Only takes 9 minutes. And he is so yummy looking! It's exhausting though, I haven't managed to finish the full 4 sets yet haha! But I keep his time frame and have a little timer going so it actually only takes 9 minutes.

    I've noticed a little difference in my tummy (biggest problem area) after about a week with 2/3 rest days in between workouts.

  2. I love hearing your updates! You have been doing a wonderful job and I am very inspired by you!
    I have been on Weight Watchers in Australia since January and I have lost 10.4kg. It is very hard to stay on track, especially with nights out and friends catching up for coffee and cake!
    But hang in there. Each week I start fresh and I always make sure I exercise lots, that helps me lose weight easier! But when I stop exercising that can be awful! Good luck with weigh-in!
